Greetings from Black Rock City
So much to say, so technologically limited. Suffice to say for now - I
Thanks to everyone who followed along with my adventure and lent your
support. It meant very much to me. Special thanks to my girlfriend
Mary, the constant cheerleader. While I might've managed it alone, I
couldn't have asked for a better, more supportive partner.
My hope is to fill in the blanks later on, so check back in again!
well, I'm torn. I am so happy you made it safely, but I'm also a little disappointed that the vicarious journey is over. It has been a blast to read your posts - and then wonder what's going to happen next. Bravo Ivan!
Congrats, Ivan! It's been a thrilling ride just reading the blog - I can't imagine how much cooler it is to have actually done it.
Can't wait to read about the journey home.
Congrats to you Ivan! I'm glad to see that you made it and that it's been a fairly trouble-free ride! It's been a lot of fun to read this as you've been making the trip. And as markm said, I can't wait to read about the journey home.
Thanks for sharing your journey with us!
It is good to have a cheerleader.
Saw your cheerleader on the playa - her first time there - and I can't think of a better partner for her - to provide guiding service to help her get there - a place and an opportunity for her to expand her horizons. You both deserve the best, Ivan!
sitting at the allegro starting my decom...looking out at the Fall colours and the wet...reading your last few entries posted while i was on my way to the playa...thru the edges i think of riding from florence to southern portugal a bike dream i've had for awhile..funny how the playa works on ones dreams bringing everything so close to the surface, so do-able, so alive...i'm very glad you made it down all the hills and in to the city without a scratch...hope your burn was swell...all the very best Ivan...thanks for the inspiration! julia
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