Ivan Cockrum
Visual+Interaction Designer
Efficiency through Versatility
I am an experienced internet professional with over 15 years designing, coding, writing, and managing projects for web, interactive, and mobile. My broad range of skills includes visual and interaction design, audio and video editing for rich media, copywriting, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Flash ActionScript, content management and general web mastery. I communicate well with designers, developers, managers and clients. I am highly self-directed and capable of carrying a project from start to finish with minimal supervision. I am happiest when I get to use all of my skills, and my versatility increases team efficiency.
Tools of the Trade
- Design: Expert with Adobe Creative Suite design tools including Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Prefer to design in Illustrator for flexible vector scaling when targeting multiple screen sizes.
- Rich Media: Expert with Adobe Flash, familiar with Premiere and AfterEffects, and experienced using various A/V utilities to encode at different bitrates or dimensions for cross-platform delivery.
- Code: Prefer to code “by hand” in a text editor such as BBEdit. Highly capable with HTML and CSS, and competent with JavaScript. Familiar enough with PHP to troubleshoot. Familiar with Apple’s Xcode developer tools. Typically able to pick up new scripting languages well enough to hack existing code.
- Web Mastery: Highly experienced with Joomla and WordPress, and quick to learn other content management systems. A smattering of experience administering phpMyAdmin, Apache, MailMan.
- Versioning: Comfortable working with Subversion or other version control system.
Freelance Visual+Interaction Designer, 1997-2012
A rich and varied client list includes everything from one-person shops to industry giants including Toyota, Intel, Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft.
- As a visual designer, interviewed clients, created designs and user interfaces, prepared art for presentation, iterated based on feedback from team and client, did production to prepare art for use in code environment(s), collaborated with developers, communicated with clients and managed junior artists. Designed beautiful, functional UI for websites, kiosks, CD-ROMs, and mobile apps.
- As an interaction designer, created wireframes and paper prototypes, pre-visualized rich media sequences, drew illustrations for animation, edited video and audio, managed assets, developed Flash applications and reuseable custom ActionScript components for frequently used widgets such as photo slideshows and streaming video players, managed production schedules and project budgets, wrote documentation. Created unique rich media experiences for ad banners, websites, and CD-ROMs.
- As a front-end web developer, worked with other designers to translate their work into web pages, coded HTML and CSS to perfectly match original designs, wrote JavaScript functions, edited PHP templates and functions, installed and maintained CMSs, practiced good SEO, tested for cross-browser and cross-platform issues, deployed content from staging to development, ensured that code was up to latest standards, coordinated with back-end developers.
Hobbies and Interests
10+ years producing art festivals and other events for non-profit arts groups in Seattle.
15+ years as a hobby game designer with an interest in interactive fiction.
Art and Design at School of Visual Arts, NYC
Majored in Art and English at Hunter College, NYC